Welcome Back Eagles! We've missed you. We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and a happy start to the New year- can't believe it's 2025- you will have to remind me to get the date right on the board!
Please find our Topic Web and Parent letter below which outlines some of the fantastic learning experiences we have lined up for The Spring Term.
We can't wait to welcome you back and get started!
Mrs Boyle, Mrs Seward and Mrs Butler
Friday 10th September 2025
Welcome Back to the Spring Term!
Dear Parents,
I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas break and managed to spend some quality time with your loved ones. We are excited to welcome the children back for the Spring term and are looking forward creating exciting learning experiences and watching your children continue to flourish this term!
Mrs Boyle will continue to teach from Monday to Wednesday, while Mrs Seward takes over on Thursday and Friday. We are fortunate to continue being supported by the fantastic Mrs Butler and Mr Walker—what a great team we have!
This term, we will kick off with a whole school topic based on the beautiful book The Promise by Nicola Davies, which dives into the power we all possess to change our world for the better. In Eagles, our new topic will be The Tragic Titanic, where we will investigate and explore the history of the famous Titanic through various subjects, including History, Art, Science, Geography, Computing, and English. The children will learn about the notable figures on board and the circumstances that led to her sinking, using the engaging book The Titanic Detective Agency by Lynsey Littleton as our guide. This story follows an explorer named Bertha Watt, who sets out to uncover the secrets of the passengers aboard the so-called unsinkable ship as she seeks a new life in America.
We have attached a topic web that provides more details about the rich learning opportunities this exciting topic- led by the interests of your children- presents.
PE will resume on Tuesday afternoons with Tom from PACES. Please ensure that PE kits are in school every week, with long hair tied back and earrings either removed or covered.
Forest School will also resume later in the term—please keep an eye out for an email regarding this.
Students are required to bring their reading and spelling records to school every day. Spellings will be sent home each Monday and should be practiced both in school and at home. Additionally, children who read four or more times a week will receive a golden ticket for our prize draw and the chance to win a book sent directly from David Walliams. Reading with an adult remains essential as it helps refine their skills in fluency, expression, and comprehension of increasingly challenging texts.
We also encourage Eagles to be fluent and fast with their times tables to keep their mental maths sharp. We practice this daily using TT Rockstars.
As always, our Suckley curriculum will remain broad, balanced, and (hopefully) exciting. However, we recognise that SATs are approaching for our Year 6s. We want our children to feel relaxed and prepared, so we will be organising a meeting for Year 6 parents soon to discuss how you can best support your children during this time—please look out for a date in your diaries.
Year 6 homework will be sent home on Fridays and should be returned by the following Monday to aid preparation for SATs and help our students feel confident and achieve their potential- they are all brilliant!
Remember our doors are always open and we encourage you to please approach us for a chat whenever needed. We are here to support both you and your child throughout in any way we can. We have a fun-filled and action-packed term ahead with your children. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We can’t wait to welcome you back to Suckley School- it’s been far too quiet without you!
Warmest wishes,
Mrs Boyle, Mrs Seward, Mrs Butler and Mr Walker