Welcome back to Eagles Class! I hope that you all had an enjoyable and restful Christmas break and that you and your child are looking forward to the exciting year ahead.
This term, we are exploring the extreme earth. This topic will focus on developing children's understanding of natural disasters to describe how physical features affect the human activity within a location. We will explore areas such as volcanoes, earthquakes and extreme weather through Michael Morpurgo's adventure tale, 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. Please see our topic web attached.
A few gentle reminders:
I hope that the above information has been useful in informing you about the Spring term. If you have any further queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Mr Walker.
Best wishes,
Miss Weaver
Email: lweaver@suckley.worcs.sch.uk
To start the Spring Term, we immersed ourselves into Oliver Jeffers' story, 'What We'll Build'. This follows the story of a father and daughter who lay the foundations for their life together. Using our own special tools, we spoke about the meaning of the world 'build'. This enabled us to produce artwork to represent our future, write about a place which makes us feel at home and research key figures who have overcome divides and built peace throughout history.
On February 2nd, Eagles took part in a Quicksticks tournament, held at Malvern St James. The morning consisted of workshops where we practiced ball carrying, passing and shooting to develop fundamental skills, techniques and game understanding. In the afternoon, we took part in a 7 a-side Quicksticks competition against ten other teams. To begin with, we were nervous and lacked some confidence but Eagles quickly realised that their amazing team spirit and positive encouragement would lead them to immense success. Our A team came home with a bronze medal and our B team won their final match 3-0!
Eagles took part in a STEM workshop where we had to use our problem solving and innovation skills to design a robotic arm to sort recycling. There were some super lever and pulley systems! Congratulations to Winston and Robin who will now go on to compete in the final, taking place in June.