We have has chicken eggs in an incubator for 21 days and over the weekend our eggs decided to make their first entrance on 26th March 2021.
Special Visitors! Mrs O'neill sharing her latest arrivals with us at school, extremely exciting moment for us!
This dream team smashing division!!! Well done boys!
Our exciting Spring topic has been PIZZA! We have been watching Tomatoes, Peppers and Basil growing in class discussing their needs to survive. We've put these survival needs to the test by observing sunflower seeds growing, with and without the basic needs. We will make predictions on how they will grow and evaluate the end results - scientists in the making! We have been exploring descriptive vocabulary, synonyms and poetry using pizzas as our muse. We used all of these skills to establish our own pizza brand and ways to persuade customers to buy our pizzas. WE collected data on favourite toppings using tally charts to find the most popular toppings, the decision was unanimous and cheese came out on 'top'! Using the data and equipped with our knowledge on how to sell our pizzas we took to the kitchen and prepared our own pizzas and addressed the importance of Food Hygiene. The taste test was down to Robins and their 'customers' the grown-ups! I hope they were as delicious as the smell in the classroom!
Forest School: Den Building
Maths Outdoors: Robins enjoying our beautiful forest school and comparing numbers using the greater than and less than symbols.
Creation Station
SPRING! Spring is in the air and here are the Robins working in groups and making a note of 'Signs of Spring' from our Spring walk.
Firstly, I hope all of you have had a wonderful Christmas despite the restrictions, I know you have all been super stars (definitely at school!) and have made Father Christmas very proud and of course your grown-ups.
A very Happy New Year to you all, it is a very odd start to 2021, I wish I could see you all face-to-face this morning rather than through emails, I'm sure we will have a form of visual contact soon.
Regarding distanced learning: I will be sending you a weekly Learning Grid. This will have a variety of foundation activities for you to carry out independently and some with adult help throughout the week. Including; science, history, geography art and music etc. There will be there to help you use all of those amazing skills that you need to be super learners such as: predicting, observing, exploring, making discoveries, crafting and hopefully encourage you to want to explore further. To start off our Learning Grid I want us to research 'The Great Fire of London' diving into the Medieval times, a time far from what our lives look like now. History opens our eyes to the wonders that came before us and help us make predictions for the future.
I will be setting daily Math and English tasks. All tasks and activities will be sent, set or uploaded on or through Purple Mash. The children know their logins but a reminder can be sent if you are unsure. If you are awaiting your login they will be sent shortly.
Please continue your reading, you have all done so fantastically well to maintain such wonderful reading, if you don't manage to do any other work, please keep reading it is a gift and holds the key to magical places and ideas!
To parents, these are just a set of ideas and I hope they can help lighten the load of Home Learning, there is no obligation to carry out these tasks please do what you and your child are able to do. If you have any problems or queries please use this email to contact me and I will support you as much as possible.
Please all take good care of yourselves. I hope we can resume the fantastic learning we had at the end of December as soon as possible.
All the best,
Miss Elston
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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