Our forest school is an inspirational, educational process that focuses on developing children's personal, social and emotional development through regular outdoor woodland experiences. The ethos of forest school at Suckley is to allow children the time and space to develop skills, interest and understanding through a range of activities which provide practical, hands on experiences in a natural environment.
Every child has a Forest School session once a week. This underpins our ethos and values that mental health and how biophillia can impact on all children.
When Operation Ouch visited us for the day (CBBC) and their film crew...
Forest School Fun Autumn 2022...
What the children think....
" I like making dens!" Year 6
" I like exploring the habitats - its lots of fun" Year 6
" I like cooking Marshy Mallows" Reception
" I like having the options to do what I like to do" Year 6
" I love to play outdoors" Reception
" Cooking is fun" KS1