This Term's topic is "Builders, Drivers and Super High Flyers"
Oh the adventures we have had during our first week of school. The children have settled in brilliantly, investigating their surrounding confidently and expertly! Exploring the wonders of minibeasts, harvesting crops, building forts, mark-making, cutting, sticking, making chocolate soup in the mud kitchen to name but a few of our escapades - yes I have got stuck into my new roll as builder, chef, farmer, artist… the list goes on, along with the children!
Keep your eyes “peeled”! What will become of our harvested potatoes?
Circle Time with Mrs Field
Listening and turn taking are skills we use when showing our Suckley school values ‘Kindness’ and ‘Respect’ I am so proud to report, we have wonderfully kind Wrens at Suckley school!
At Suckley School, we support and care for each other. Our fantastic Year 6 children have been paired with our Wrens to support them through their first year at school, and beyond. Year 6 will be showing Wrens games to play at break times, reading to each other, helping with day-to-day routines and most importantly being a buddy. Thank you to our brilliant Year 6 children for making such a positive impact to Wrens first week at school.
Wrens enjoyed using the touch board to write and couloir number 1.
Great session in Wrens garden today, exploring the water tray using the paintbrushes to paint the road. Brilliant mark making to support pencil holding and writing. We also used play dough to find prints in the garden.
We made ‘Silly Soup’ today, can you guess what sound went into our silly soup? Scissors, snake, sock, stone, spoon and a sausage!
Wrens enjoyed using paints as part of their outdoor play, they made finger painting pictures. Lots of fun and opportunities for colour mixing.
As part of their practical maths lesson, Wrens found mystery objects in the bag and found their match. We discussed how the items matched because they are the same. We looked at the wooden spoon and the metal spoon “Are these objects the same?” The children could tell me that they are different because of their size and material but they are the same because of the job that they do. Wrens used this to make plates with various objects that matched the pictures as part of their continuous provision.
As part of our topic, Builders, Drivers and super High Flyers we looked at the poem ‘Block City’ by Robert Louis Stevenson which inspired us to make our own block city. We used our buildings to inspire our own poem which we turned into a book! Please come and see it on out Learning Journey Display and have a read!
Wrens busy practising scissor control and enjoying their success!
Phonics /a/
Wrens used apples to support their
Wrens raced their cars around the track and counted the laps.
Good spotting boys, these Wrens noticed the seeds on the number line, they counted the number of objects and this inspired their play because they planted seeds and later harvested them.
The Wrens have been interested in seeds and planting “seeds” in their play. Mrs Parker brought the sunflower head that had been growing in the garden and we investigated where sunflower seeds come from. We also looked more closely at the different parts of flowers.
The roots system has been really fascinating to observe, Wrens demonstrated their super understanding of parts by ordering the parts of a plant.
Mark making race tracks!
Absolutely brilliant use of scissors today in Wrens, their control of scissors has come on leaps and bounds. They are demonstrating good grasp, control and accuracy.
Wrens showing excellent ball control, balancing and using the space effectively with Mr Tom.
Colour experiments! Wrens used the primary coloured play dough to make secondary colours which they used to make beautiful play dough cupcakes.
Maths! We have been continuing our sorting skills with the story ‘The Button Box’ by Margarette Reid. Wrens looked carefully at the buttons and observed different ways we could sort the buttons: number of holes, colour, size and shape.
Reading buddies enjoying the Wrens Literacy shed and outside space.
Chop, chop, chop! Wrens enjoying the beautiful, autumn colours, we Cole ted leaves looking closely at the colours, the shapes and the sizes which we sorted into groups. Wrens took the leaves inside to cut up with scissors to make leap confetti which we used to decorate our artwork.
Wrens were tasked with using the core tummy muscles to support their balancing, they then played a game where they used these skills to control the ball.
Room on the Broom Week
Wrens used their creative skills to make their own wand to match the witches wand from our class story. Abracadabra!
WOW! An amazing surprise for Wrens today as we had not one, but THREE visitors in our wrens garden! Two small toads (the have dry, warty skin) and a Smooth newt. Wrens understood they were probably scare of us because we are big, and the creatures were staying still when they saw us in case we wanted to eat them! They decided to look for worms to feed the amphibians.
Experiment time! Wrens were given special ingredients to make potions. They used vinegar and baking powder. Fore they combined the ingredients they made predictions about what might happen. Here are some photos of the results. Ask a Wren what happened during their potions class!
Wrens have been investigating numbers from 1-3 representing them using different loose parts and familiarising themselves with a five frame.
super sounds in the Wrens garden.
Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder Pot
Why do we have fireworks Mrs Parker? That’s a good question! Wrens listened to how Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament but the guards stopped him and King James was so thrilled he declared a celebration which we still honour today, 419 years later!
Wrens exploring shapes and their properties - this week it’s circles and triangles
We read a story about Leaf Man and we’re inspired to make our own leaf people!