To finish our 'Food, Glorious Food' topic, we designed amd made chocolate lollies. It was a great way to end the topic - plus we got to take our yummy treat home!
We had a fantastic time at a performance of 'Cinderella' at the Tenbury theatre. It was a lovely experience and got us all in the Christmas spirit!
We worked very hard to practice and perform the nativity 'Born in a Barn' with the children from Wrens class. We used this to learn more about the Christmas story and write about how Jesus was born.
Robins have be developing some brilliant gymnastics skills during there PACES PE lessons with Tom. Look at the super jumping skills we are working on!
Year One have been working hard on 'Shape and Geometry'. They have completed lots of practical sessions and have been able to demonstrate excellent knowledge.
We went to Cadbury World to support all our History/ DT/ English learning this term. We were so excited to visit and were able to demonstrate lots of our knowledge as we went around. We will be using our trip as inspiration for writing related to 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and designing and making some of our own chocolate creations for DT.
We had a science day. We had been very interested during our 'Habitats' work on the differences between how plants and humans breathe. We followed this interest and spent a day practically investigating the differences. We looked at a set of sheep lungs and went outside to see if the leaves in our playground had chlorophyll in them. We also tested our lung capacity.
We welcomed Pudsey to our classroom to celebrate CIN.
We have been learning about artist Megan Coyle -who works with bright coloured collage. We took the opportunity to recap on previous learning about colour mixing and primary, secondary and tertiary colours.
We used watercolour paints with brushes of different sizes to mix and paint neatly. We will use these skills in our final piece.
We were lucky to go to the Great Malvern Festival of stories for Children. We participated in a storytelling session and we met the author Jeanne Willis. We were excited to get our books signed by her. Since this event lots of the children have been inspired to write and illustrate their own books!
Harvest Service. We were lucky to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont to school to tell us how the farmers in Suckley harvest their crops. They even brought the combine harvester for us to see!
DT - Cooking. 14.10.24 and 15.10.24.
As part of Harvest week, the whole school competed in a cooking contest! We all had to use apples, but we were free to make whatever we wished. Once we had discussed it as a class, we chose to make an apple cake. The children did all the hard work. They peeled and chopped the apples without any adult assistance. They were also in charge of following the recipe and weighing all the ingredients correctly.
Mrs. Field and Mr. Walker were chief judges and they came to taste our creation. We were very excited to find out on Friday that we were the overall winners. We even got a special trophy!
The class have been working hard with Tom from PACES to develop ball skills, core strength and coordination over the last six weeks.
We were thrilled to welcome Paralympian Rebecca Redfern to Suckley, to tell us about her inspirational journey to become a gold medal winner at the Paris Paralymics! She even brought her medals and told us all about how hard she had to work to prove people wrong and achieve her dreams.
As part of our topic on Chocolate. We learnt that Hernando Cortez, the Spanish explorer, visited the King of the Aztecs when he first landed in Central America. He was given a special chocolate drink. We made this drink and compared the taste to the chocolate we know today! It wasn't very nice!
Year One have been working hard on the concepts of less than, greater than and equal too. They have been using manipulatives to help them get to grips with this tricky idea. Well done Year One - a super effort.
We have been learning about Christopher Columbus and finding out how he links to chocolate. We have investigated if there is any historical evidence to support who actually introduced chocolate to Europe. Ask the children about our history learning this term so far!
We conducted an experiment to see which habitat woodlice prefered. We initially found it challenging to find woodlice for the experiment as we went searching for them when it was raining! We had to postpone the experiment to the next day, when the weather was better. Once we had the woodlice, we made four different habitiats and observed them to see which they like best. They all prefered to be under the cover of a rock, but, they prefered the dry environment over the wet one. This helped us to understand why we couldn't find them in the rain!
We were thrilled to welcome Olympian Lucy Renshaw to Suckley. She put us through our paces with a round of circuts! The children were fantastic and really tried very hard. Then we listened to a very inspirational and motivational talk about how she became an Olympic athlete.
As part of our Science lessons we have been investigating habitiats. We went on a walk around our local area to see which habitat types were close to school. We also searched our school site for examples of micro-habitats. It was amazing the amount of things we discovered when we looked hard! The children have really engaged well with this topic and have enjoyed the practical aspect of this unit of learning.
Robins have started the year very confidently. They are very engaged in their maths learning and are demonstrating excellent understanding of place value.
Dear parents and carers,
Welcome to the new school year! We are very pleased to be back together and everyone is settling in well to our new routines. The children have been fantastic. I am sure you would be proud of how kind, helpful and welcoming they have all been.
At the beginning of each term, we share our proposed topic for the term with you so you know the types of things the class will be learning over the coming months. A summary of this term’s topic, ‘Food, Glorious Food,’ is attached to this letter for your information.
In addition, we start each term with a whole-school text, which each class uses as their starting point for writing and Artwork. This term we are looking at ‘What Feelings Do When No One’s Looking’ by Tina Oziewicz. This is a beautifully illustrated book, where feelings are personified by characters with interesting looks. The book provides a wonderful opportunity to talk about feelings and validate them.
Reading, reading books and book bags
Reading is a huge part of our curriculum and we put significant emphasis on reading for pleasure and sharing stories to enable children to build upon their understanding of the world and increase their vocabulary. We will send home reading scheme books for the children to read to you. Please do continue sharing other story books together in addition to this. We will be changing books as often as possible; we are aiming for every other day and to endeavour to increase the frequency of book changes if time allows.
Please continue to use the book bag for the school-assigned reading books. The book bags help protect the scheme books from damage.
Blending books
Year One will continue to have blending books as part of their preparation for the Phonics Screening Check, which will take place in the summer term. We like children to be blending securely at green level prior to this check. We will monitor the blending books and add more words as needed.
Spellings will be issued weekly on a Tuesday and tested the following Monday. Words for Year One will reflect the sound patterns covered in Phonics lessons that week. Year Two will follow The Spelling Shed scheme which covers the Statutory National Curriculum spellings and spelling patterns. Please make sure your child has their spelling book with them on a Monday so they can be collected and returned on a Tuesday with new spellings.
Forest school and PE
Forest school will be on a Thursday afternoon, as in previous years. Please send your child to school ready for forest school with a long sleeved top and trousers. Please only send them in items you are happy for them to get muddy!
For PE we are lucky to have PACES, a specialist PE provider, delivering our lessons this academic year. PE sessions will be first session (9-10) on a Tuesday. Please make sure your child has a PE kit in school for this session, including jogging bottoms and a jumper for warmth should the session be outside.
Other concerns or questions
Please ask any member of the Robins team or email to the below address if you are unsure about any of the above or have any other questions or concerns. We are always happy to help.
Kind regards,
Mrs Pinnington.