
Suckley School

Happy, Aspirational and Ready for Life

Suckley School Council

2022 to 2023



At Suckley School we support democracy, so our candidates present to their class and stand for election.


Once elected the School Council at Suckley takes a very active part in school life. They help us as a school to make decisions about how to move the school forward by listening to their peers and by discussing with adults. 


Our current School Council members are:

Wrens - Margaret Beaumont and Evelyn Lynch

Robins - Harvey Walker and Ari Stowe

Woodpeckers - Grayson Sellars and Hope Mansell

Eagles - Cleo Wright and Bea Bradley


The children were tasked with researching new playground equipment as one of their initial tasks. The end result being a new Trim Trail installed prior to the Easter holidays 2023, in our school playground. As you can see the children are enjoying the new equipment. 







Trim Trail Easter 2023

Letters to the PTA from 2018-19 School Council re playground fund request.
