Dear Robins’ parents/carers,
Welcome back to school. We hope you had a relaxing Christmas break.
Our class theme for the term is ‘Reach for the Stars’ and we have attached a copy of our topic web for your information. We hope to be able to visit the ThinkTank in Birmingham to visit the Planetarium, and we have a ‘History Man’ visit booked, to support our practical understanding of our topic. We have lots of exciting writing opportunities within this topic and lots of cross-curricular links to foundation subjects, which we think the children will enjoy.
We will start the term by looking at a whole-school text - the beautiful book, ‘The Promise,’ by Nicola Davies - where we will be writing poetry and completing complementary artwork.
We were very lucky to have Miss Kordas, a student teacher from Worcester University with us last term, and we will welcome her back in the summer term. This term we will welcome another Worcester student, Miss Hopkins, for her placement.
We ask that you continue to read with your child at home as regularly as possible and ensure they have their reading book and reading record in school every day, even if their book doesn’t need changing, so we can record any reading completed at school. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
The system for spellings will remain the same this term and PE will continue to be on Tuesday mornings. Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school for this.
Until further notice there is no forest school for Robins while we allow the ground to recover. Please come to school in uniform on Thursdays until forest school resumes.
Yours sincerely
Mrs. Pinnington and the Wrens Team.