Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back after the summer holidays! The children have all returned into class enthused and ready to learn. They are all listening well in class and asking lots of questions about out topic.
We have a wonderful topic; ‘The Wild West’. This will kick start with a class trip to a local riding centre where they can pretend to be cowboys/girls. The children are very excited by this experience and have been thinking about what hats to wear! ( this is optional!) The attached curriculum map explains how the national curriculum is covered by our choice of topic.
Routines and house keeping
Please send in book bags daily. All children have a book banded book that is determined by their reading ability. We track progress within these daily/weekly to ensure children are making progress with their reading. The children also have a DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) book of their choice to promote their love of reading. Diaries are checked on a Friday and if they have read 4 times and this has been signed off by adult then they will earn a golden ticket.
New spellings will be found both on the spelling shed and on a paper copy in their spelling books which should be dated with the week given. Spelling shed log ins and QR codes will be found at the front of the spelling book.
PE kits are to be worn Tuesdays and long sleeved top and bottoms on Wednesdays for forest school.
Should you have a question or concern that requires discussion then please book an appointment.
We look forward to another exciting and busy half term.
Best Wishes
Woodpeckers Team