
Suckley School

Happy, Aspirational and Ready for Life



Today Robins got a little bit messy (sorry!) with our ink rain clouds. We used droplets of ink water and let the droplets run down the page. This created beautiful patterns and looked just like rain falling from a rain cloud. Now we will come up with some creative ways to make the fluffy, sliver clouds.

Robins and the Lonely Rain Cloud

Welcome back to school! I hope you had a lovely Easter break. The first week back and we are studying a whole school book focus: Ivy and the Lonely Raincloud. In Robins we looked at what the word lonely means and asked the question: Have you ever felt lonely? The children responded using their inside voice but shared strategies on how we could overcome feelings of loneliness. We wrote down our strategies and then Miss Elston used the Rain Cloud Maker to make rain clouds. Each Child told the rain cloud what makes them feel lonely or sad and then we let them rain away. We told the rain clouds the strategies we can use to wash away the feelings of loneliness.

How to wash away the blues:

  • Find a friend
  • Talk to as adult (teach/family member)
  • Cuddle your teddy
  • Cuddle your pet
  • Ask someone to be your friend
  • Think about what makes you happy
  • Do something nice for someone else
  • Play games
  • Play with your toys
  • Draw/colour a picture
  • Read a book.

The Problem

Table Leg Tom has been marooned on a desert island by his older brother Table Leg Tim who challenged him to get back to the ship. He has some materials to help him build a raft but will they work? Find out if the materials sink or float and which ones would be more suitable for a raft. Can you help him build a raft to get back to the ship? Table Leg Tim mentioned density and buoyancy – What do they mean and will they help with your investigation?


Robins carried out a sink or float investigation. We want to know which material would be the best to build a raft so we could get Table Leg Tom back to his brother Table Leg Tim's Ship. 



Does it sink or float?

Shiver me timbers, look out Hollywood! Here are some amazing actors from Robins who put the adjectives and verbs into affect by performing as pirates that the children had to describe; it was great fun! 

Robins brain storming ideas their ideas: How does a pirate speak? How does a pirate act? How does a pirate move?

Here is our pirate volunteer. ARRRR! Look at all our amazing adjectives and verbs to describe a pirate.

Robins Ship

Piglet visit

Pirate stew, pirate stew, 

Pirate stew for me and you!

Eat it and you won't be blue. 


Pirate Stew, pirate stew.

Eat it and you wont be blue!

Pirate stew, pirate stew.

Making Robins Pirate Stew

Spring Term Topic

Dear Parents/ Carers,


Wow, I can’t believe we are nearly at half term already, time is flying at school! Robins are doing fantastically well and have settled back into school routine marvellously.


I wanted to share with you information about what is happening in Robins this terms. We have PE sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays and children are still attending school in their PE kits. Monday PE is outside on the all-weather pitch and children will need supportive trainers for ball skills with Miss Jones. Tuesday PE takes place in the church carrying out gym and dance with Miss Bryony.

We have a spelling ‘Show what you know’ on Monday mornings and new spellings will be shared with the children on Monday. We do carry out the ‘Show what you know’ in the little blue book, if books have been forgotten it is not a problem but spelling lists can go missing – please don’t hesitate to get in touch if that happens felston@suckley,

On Friday, we have ‘Show and Tell’ this is extremely popular with the children, we do this every week ideally we like to share things to do with our topic and achievements however we have opened this up to most things within reason and nothing that will damage easily. It is not advised to bring items in that are precious as things can sometimes get lost or damaged.

We read every day at school during Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) time this is a great way to encourage a love of reading. Children have the responsibility to change their reading books in the morning. We encourage children to read books more than once to increase fluency. Children may be asked to continue on a particular reading level to promote consolidation and inference – deep understanding of what they have read. I do love to add notes in the Reading journal when I have read with the children and share comments and highlight focus points.

Forest school will return after half term and will remain Wednesdays (ks2) and Thursdays (ks1). Please let me know if you think wellies need changing and we can arrange wellies to be returned home. We do have lots of spare!

We have an exciting new topic – Pirates! So far the children have enjoyed reading pirate stories, hearing about the infamous fearsome pirate Blackbeard, looking at maps and atlas’ and role playing in our Robins pirate ship. We have also made a delicious Pirate Stew which included melted ice cream and baked beans – lots of fun! We have shared many photos on our school website which can be found on Robins’ class page.

Our value this term is Honesty. We will continue to focus on Respect after such a successful result last term. Robins got to choose the reward for filling our Respect marble jar and we have chosen to have a Glow Stick Dance Party!

I am so proud of all the Robins, they work so hard and make me proud every day! If you have any questions/queries, please come and talk to me at the end of the day or email me



Thank you for your continued support, 

From the Robins Team

LAST DAY! Robins wanted to play Hockey on the last day and here they are! They did a fantastic job. Future British Hockey team players for sure!

The AMAZING STARS of Robins Nativity


Remembrance Day 2021

Robins created stunning poppies using different textures to encourage a mindful moment and remember the soldiers lost to war. We then looked at the work of Scarlett Raven and her painting 'The Eleventh Hour' using chalk, oil pastels, painting and collage to inspire our own 'Eleventh Hour.' Robins discussed the significance of 11am and how it is still used today to remember the soldiers who fought for us 102 years ago.

Enchanted Woodlands

Robins designed and crafted their own  'Enchanted Woodland' using different tools and mediums. Clay to make special features like bridges and toadstools and a range of different crafts to create their own woodlands. The children took their Woodlands home to see who might move in!

Robins Fabulous Phonics - Using multiple ways to practise our sounds and spellings

School Council Reps


Robins have had the task of voting for their class School Council Representatives. We had to understand what is expected of the school council and decide whether it was something the individual wanted to be in with a chance of becoming.


Our Suckley School Council we take on Responsibility. 

This means: 

Looking after yourself and everyone including places and things.

Doing the right thing even when it means doing something differently to others.

Sharing - sharing the voice of the children in Robins and the rest of the school.

Respect - being kind and conscientious towards others.

Showing others super Suckley behaviours.


Each person who wanted the opportunity to become a School Council member had to write a speech to demonstrate why they would be a good School Council Member (SCM) and what assets they would bring to the role.


Year 2

Katja - "I want to help others."

Joey - "I want to help little children and help keep school tidy."

Grayson - "I want to help others" "I will get new books for the reading corner."

Max - "I will make a good School Council Member because I am a good listener."

Riley - "I want to help others and I will listen to parents and other children. I will try and share the voice of my friends." "I want to get new playtime equipment."

Alfie - "I will be a good School Council Rep because I am a good listener. I am kind to all and myself. I will make sure everyone is doing the right thing." "I want to get new equipment for playtime."

Edyn - "I want school to be a better place for other children."


Year 1

Ellie - "I want to help others so they don't get hurt."

Jessica - "I would like to get more equipment outside."

Eadie - "I will look after the people in school and try to make it  a better place, the best place ever!"

Logan - I want to help people and I love my friends."

Hetty - "I will play with Wrens and help them when they need it."

Seth - "I will look after people to be helpful."

Charlie - "I will look after my friends and help people."

Seb- "I will be a good friend."

Eli - "I love my friends. I love my school."


We discussed how the UK is a Democracy and everyone has the right to vote for what they believe in. All the children had the list of children who wanted the opportunity to be a SCM they had to vote for one person in Year 1 and one person in Year 2 as privately (anonymously) as possible in KS1.


Robins have voted and their new School Council Reps are:


Year 1 Logan and Year 2 Riley


How many are left? Year 1 playing the 'Sweetie' game!

Sound Sort - a_e, e_e, and i_e

Year 1 - Finding a Part

Learning through Creative Continuous Resources

Robins Learning Maths Practically

Year 1 - Digit gym

Harvest Festival - Robins presenting their Autumnal themed work and celebrate the food we eat

Marvellous Maths - Year 1 working really well with the Numicon and Addition symbol

The Wild Woods - Robins worked in groups to sequence the story

Year 2 Building numbers using Tens and Ones

What can you spot down in Forest School?

Enchanted Woodlands Topic Map

Meeting Freddy Fox!


Hello parents and Carers!


Wow, here we are starting a new school year, it’s been a pleasure to officially meet the new Robins who are very excited to be in Year 1 and welcome back the much taller and lovely as ever Year 2, who have taken to their new role at Suckley School tremendously well. It’s lovely to meet all the new parents/guardians and if we have yet to meet I look forward to seeing you soon.

Firstly, I am very eager to reveal our new topic for this term – ‘Enchanted Woodland’ which I am hoping will bring as much enthusiasm and wonder as the ‘Colossal Castle’ topic did last term. We will be exploring the wonderful world around us including animals, trees, plants, the local community and much more! We have a new value to celebrate which I am sure you will agree is really important to recognise and praise –Perseverance.


Children will be given spellings on Monday and tested the following Monday. They have new spellings books which need to come back to school every Monday please.

We are really trying to focus on our reading this term and get into the habit of reading every day which we ask parents and guardians to carry this out as much as possible please. The reading record books will help us (teachers) to record comments after reading with your child so we can share with you how well they are doing and ask that they come in daily. We have started DEAR – drop everything and read – time where children reread their books lots of times to encourage them to embed their sounds, if they have then read their book at home they are welcome to change their books. We encourage children to change their books independently in the morning.

P.E will remain on Tuesdays with West Bromwich Albion continuing fundamental movement and game skills and ‘Dance in Motion’ taking over after half term. Please may children come to school in their P.E kits and winter P.E kits when they weather gets cooler.

Forest school will continue to take place on Thursday afternoons and ask that all children be sent to school in appropriate clothing with full length sleeves and full length trousers please. During wet and cold weather children will have school waterproofs to protect them from the elements.

Friday afternoon children are welcome to bring things in from home for ‘Show and Tell’ this is an opportunity for children to present in front of their peers about an item that relates to our topic (Enchanted Woodlands). We also want this to be a time to celebrate children’s accomplishments, sharing certificates, medals, trophies they have recently be awarded.

It’s going to be another excellent year; the children are ready to learn and the teachers are ready for a full year IN school! Please let me know if you have any questions or queries


From Miss Elston, Mrs Harris and Mrs Jones
