Welcome back after the Easter holidays! We have a very busy summer term, with lots of exciting learning opportunities and of course, our residential trip.
This term, we will be exploring Africa. Children will discover the history of the Kingdom of Benin, understand key aspects of human geography, explore the artwork of Esther Mahlangu and identify how African animals are adapted to their environments. Our key text is ‘Journey to Jo’Burg’ by Beverley Naidoo- a story which shows a glimpse of life as a black African during the Apartheid. Please see our topic web attached.
Continued reminders:
· Reading: Children must have their reading record with them in school every day. Each week, records will be checked and if children have read at least 4 times at home and this has been signed by a grown up, they will be rewarded with a golden reading ticket to be entered into a prize draw
· Spelling: Spellings are sent to the children’s Spelling Shed accounts. Spelling test and new spellings are set every Monday. Please ensure your child practises their spellings regularly!
· Forest School= Wednesday afternoons (long sleeve top and bottoms)
· Swimming will take place on Tuesdays. Please bring swimming kit in each week. Additional details can be found on the school’s website.
Should you have any further questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to speak to me or Mr Walker or drop me an email: lweaver@suckley.worcs.sch.uk
We look forward to another exciting term.
Best wishes,
Miss Weaver
We began the summer term by immersing ourselves into “Ivy and the Lonely Raincloud” where we discussed the value of friendship, kindness and compassion. In our English we focussed on writing in role as Ivy whilst in Art, we explored flower art to recreate one of the beautiful illustrations.