
Suckley School

Happy, Aspirational and Ready for Life

Emergency Closure

In response to difficult conditions:


At all times we will aim to keep the school open for as many children as we can and will do everything we can to reopen as soon as possible. In some circumstances temporary measures may be put in place which may include:


  • Remote learning for some or all pupils
  • Combining classes
  • Using other staff to supervise alternative activities
  • Rearranging the curriculum
  • Temporarily exceeding infant class size limits


The Senior Leadership Team will decide, in light of the particular circumstances prevailing in the local area, whether or not a closure of the school is necessary, as a result of: (i) damage to the school buildings, (ii) loss of utility supply, (iii) difficulty in accessing the site and/or buildings safely, (iv) staff shortages affecting adult:child ratios.


If under the circumstances the Senior Leadership Team concludes that the school cannot open, can partially open or needs to be closed early:


  • The decision will be reported immediately to Worcester County Council
  • The school will inform parents via normal communication channels- text message and/or email

