
Suckley School

Happy, Aspirational and Ready for Life


Welcome to our Governors' section.

Chair of Governors - Mrs Janet Ashton

Vice Chair - Dr David Hewlett

Governance Professional - Mrs Joy Tomlinson (staff member)

Please note that a copy of our agendas, minutes etc. are available if needed at any time from the school office.

Janet Ashton:Following a move from Kent to Lulsley in 2018, I joined the governing body in September 2019.  I am a retired primary school head teacher with a teaching career of over thirty years including two headships in schools with very different profiles.  Both roles were challenging but immensely rewarding and provided experiences which led to coaching, mentoring and supporting school leaders.  Amongst other qualifications, I have an MA in Primary Education, achieved the National Professional Qualification for Headship and accreditation as a School Improvement Partner.   My philosophy of primary education is very much in tune with that of Suckley School in ensuring that the whole school community is challenged to achieve high standards focusing on pupils having a wide range of experiences, developing a sense of self-worth and achieving their potential in a safe and secure environment. 

Di Holloway: I am a qualified chartered accountant and run a local business, ‘Holloways’ which retails furniture. My position in Suckley Primary School has been Chair of the Governors for four years, until March 2016. I have also been a Governor since my daughter was a pupil here. I love being involved with children’s education and have experience in being a governor at two other schools.

Caroline Pinnington

Caroline Pinnington : Staff Advisor from December 2020.  I was appointed as the governor for The Arts in 2018. I am a member of staff, working as a teacher, and both my children attend the school. As a qualified secondary school teacher with a specialism in Art and Textiles, I am passionate about the inclusion of the creative subjects in the curriculum. As a parent and member of staff, I hope to provide a rounded perspective of school life, and represent the whole school community.  I am committed to the ongoing excellence of Suckley School and aim to provide advice to support the school’s culture and values.









David Hewlett : I have lived in Leigh Sinton for six years and have recently retired from my work as Principal of a theological college in Birmingham.  I am an ordained minister of the Church of England but have spent most of my life as an educator and trainer for those preparing to serve churches in different forms of ministry.  My primary role has been to build environments of trust, openness and respect which are essential for all learning and for people to flourish.  Before moving to the West Midlands I lived in rural Cornwall and was a governor (and chair) of our village community primary school, so I know the joys as well as the demands small schools bring.  I am a keen musician and am loving being a grandparent!

Natalie Smith, Parent Governor : I am a Mental Health First Aid instructor with a background in Further and Higher Education support; Qualified in Leadership and Management, Careers Guidance and Safeguarding.  

I am passionate about my involvement in supporting students from all backgrounds to overcome any challenges to achieve their full potential through assisting with strategic planning, guidance and fund management amongst other areas of interest. 

As a Parent Governor I will strive to support the school by utilising my skill set to support both current and future students to thrive, and to assist with the ongoing sustainment of Suckley  School. My areas of interests are in community support, sport,  nature and the environment.


Sarah Saleh - Parent Governor : I currently own and run the local brewery, The Hop Shed. Prior to this I was a primary school teacher and then a school advisor, supporting schools in challenging circumstances. My passion for education and desire for all children to be enabled to achieve their potential has never left me. I was delighted to be elected as a Parent Governor in January 2022 as I hope to be able to draw on my previous experience to support Suckley School in its desire to maximise the learning opportunities and life chances for the children in their care.

Dale Bradley - Parent Governor: I am Operations Director of an environmental landscaping company based in the Midlands, and have lived in Worcestershire all my life – the past 14 years in Leigh with my wife and daughters. Our youngest daughter is a pupil at Suckley School and our eldest has just left Year 6 to join The King’s School in Worcester on a double academic scholarship. 

With a background in outdoor education and coaching and mentoring young people in sports and outdoor pursuits, I am keen to assist the school to help every pupil reach their potential, both through academic attainment and practical experiences. 

The years children spend in primary education are some of the most important. I believe a happy, safe and nurturing environment, coupled with academic ambition and solid values, helps set each child at Suckley – whatever their ability – on a path of achievement, fulfilment and self-worth. I am proud to work with the school community as a whole to continue to achieve this.

Christelle Avery-Earl - I am a PhD student and secretary of my husband's local business. Until 2021 I worked as a secondary school SENCo and have also been Designated Safeguarding Lead. During my teaching career I taught a plethora of subjects, though my PGCE is in English. Having taught for years and now becoming a mature student myself, I am keen to utilise my skillset to support the school in my role as Parent Governor.  

Joe Procter Nicholls: Appointed parent governor in December 2023, I am hopeful that the skill set honed as an architect (and hobby builder!) will help me to contribute to this fantastic school and community. I have been fortunate to have enjoyed my time spent at school and university and hope to assist in affording others the same luxury.


I grew up on a farm and really believe in the importance of children spending time outdoors - exploring and learning through hands-on experiences with nature and their surroundings. As a governor, I am committed to supporting the school's mission to nurture a dynamic educational environment where all children are supported and encouraged as individuals.

Suckley Governors Roles and Responsibilities 


The Suckley School Governing Body are a diverse group of people, all volunteers, with a common interest in the school, its staff, pupils and the community of which it forms a part of. Each Governor brings different strengths and skills to the Governing Body, but all have a commitment to helping the school. Suckley School is an Academy, and as this all governors are Trustees.

Governors are an important part of our school and have strategic responsibility for the effective leadership and management of the school. The day-to-day running of the school is the responsibility of the Head teacher, whilst any decisions about change and developments in school policies, staff appointments, premises, finance and Special Needs provision are approved by the Governing Body. This requires an understanding of how the school works and is only achieved by developing and maintaining close working relationships with the Head teacher, staff, children and their parents.


The Governors closely monitor the effectiveness of the school using a set of Key Performance indicators, academic and financial. To do this they make up two committees: Resources and Curriculum.
