
Suckley School

Happy, Aspirational and Ready for Life


Welcome Back Eagles


We are so pleased to have you all back in school and raring to go!  We have got a really exciting term ahead.


Please see our topic web and letter to parents below for an insight into all of the things we will be getting up to this term! 


How we feel about coming back to school...

Year 6 maths- hitting the ground running with place value beyond a million

Some amazing mixed media print work inspired by our whole school text

Map work in geography- exactly where is Greece and what can we learn about its physical features

Year 6 comes with big responsibilities- meet our new Wrens buddies!

Thinking about how humans are adapted to their environments- taking a closer look at the circulatory system

Debates in the Eagles class get pretty intense- who knew we had such passionate views about which form of Ancient Greek governance is the most effective?

Using thermometers to support our learning of negative numbers

Reconnecting at forest school! Year 6 were particularly pleased to have their own year 6 area to unwind and relax in!

Oracy in English - using role play to gain deeper understanding of a narrative

Super Science - Animals including Humans - The Circulatory System - BLOOD!

Year 6 - Playground Leader Training

Learn with the Lords online - meeting with Lord Knight of Weymouth

Buddy and peer reading in action

Group sentence construction- how many different sentences with subordinate clauses can we build?

A very wet and muddy forest school session- doesn’t stop us though! Tool work and role play in full swing

Science - learning about our hearts and what it sounds like when you use a stethoscope to listen to it

Science - Investigating how our heart rate and function is impacted by exercise

Meeting and greeting gold medal winning paralympian Rebecca Redfern

Market research- the taste test! what do we like about these cinnamon buns and what will we change in our recipe?

Ready, set, BAKE. The Suckley Bake-off was in full swing today and the school smelt amazing!

The perfect end to the first half term- beautifully autumnal at forest school: whittling, marshmallow toasting and Halloween bat making

We bring our curriculum to life at forest school. Transferring our cooking skills to the open fire, making damper bread

Electrifying Science - new topic - Electricity

Electricity - complete and incomplete circuits

Mindful moments in PSHE

Spanish role play- at the cafe

Science - investigating bulb brightness

Geography - comparing different types of geographical representations of Greece

Oracy - re-telling a WAGOLL (What a Good One Looks Like)

Science - How does voltage affect the volume of a buzzer?

Carols by candlelight. So so beautiful.
