
Suckley School

Happy, Aspirational and Ready for Life


Welcome back! We can’t believe it’s the summer term! What an exciting term we have in store- please see our exciting learning in our topic web below. 

Summer topic web

How to be a lion

To start the summer term, we have been enjoying our whole class text, “How to be a lion”- a story which encourages us to be ourselves. Through the story we discover that Leonard the lion doesn’t have to act the same way as the other lions to be valued. We have created lion collages in art inspired by the book. 

In English, Eagles have been focusing on creative, narrative writing to re-tell the ending of the story. Here are some of our proud writers! 

English writing

Music: djembe drumming

Eagles have been enjoying their djembe drumming on Monday afternoons. We have learnt a series of call and responses to practise our recalling of sounds. Now, we are learning staff and other musical notations to compose our own music. 

Science- Earth and Space

Tag rugby practice

SATs party!!!

What an incredible week! We are so proud of the Year 6 children who have shown huge resilience and determination during SATs week. To celebrate we enjoyed bacon and sausage sandwiches! On Friday, Eagles participated in the primary school’s tag rugby tournament at Malvern Rugby Club. All children excelled themselves, again showing real determination, team spirit to support less confident players and  phenomenal sportsmanship to opposing teams. Our A team, captained by Edward, won the shield tournament and our B team, captained by Oscar, won the Vars tournament! A special well done must go to Fin, Logan, Hope M, Sam P and Sam L who scored some dazzling tries. An amazing day and we couldn’t be prouder of all the children. Go Suckley!! 

Speaking at the Parish Council

Thank you and well done to Cleo and Angus who spoke at the parish council meeting. They presented a summary of Suckley school year to the councillors, speaking confidently and clearly. 

Year 5 Cricket Festival at King’s School Worcester

Residential 2024!

What a trip! What an adventure! We had the most amazing time at Arete Outdoor Education Centre in Llanrug. Eagles spent the week embracing the rivers, mountains and lakes of Eryi (Snowdonia) and the beautiful coastline of Anglesey. Activities involved coasteering, rock climbing, weasling, gorge scrambling, lake canoeing, underground mine exploration and zip wiring. We really did push ourselves outside of our comfort zones but the children developed new found confidence through their achievements. For more photos, watch both videos below!

Arete video part 1

Still image for this video

Arete video part 2

Still image for this video

Sports Day

Year 6 Work Experience at Holloways and Fledglings

Year 6 Leavers Photo Memories 2024
