
Suckley School

Happy, Aspirational and Ready for Life

Thriving at Suckley and Trauma Informed Approach


We believe that our curriculum is designed to build children's social and emotional resilience so that they can engage successfully in their learning and gain skills for future success.

To support this our staff are trained to use Thrive, a program which uses brain science to understand how pathways are built, and how they can be, for what ever reason interrupted. Through the program staff deliver simple and effective strategies and activities within class curriculum.

Where children need additional support these strategies are delivered in a one to one regular sessions, individualised to the child and discussed with the child's family. with repetition these activities can increase the child's self worth, develop their capacity to make sense of their world and enable them to take responsibility for their feelings, emotions  and behaviour.  

To learn more about this innovative approach to learning and brain development follow the link below or ask one of the Suckley staff!  

We have recently become a Trauma Informed School which is being rolled out this year. (2022) See below for further information and how this enhances our mental health and well-being of all the school community from children to staff. 


Thrive powerpoint

What do Suckley children think about Thrive...?

Suckley is a Trauma Informed School

Suckley School is a trauma informed school.  We are able to support children with trauma or mental health problems and whose troubled behaviour acts as a barrier to learning.  We are able to offer relationships (Emotionally available adults) for these children that heal minds, brains and bodies.  


The research behind Trauma Informed Approach fits in with our thrive, curriculum design and ethos around forest school.  Rising numbers of children are presenting with mental health difficulties in schools.  Many children have a high ACE score (Adverse childhood experience)  known to leave children at risk of metal and physical ill-health later in life. With the cuts in CAHMS and with over 1 million children in the UK with a mental health problem, schools are often left to deal with the matter. As children spend 190 days in school we believe we are in a  strong position to pick up the baton and help these children.  The Government Green paper wants a mental health lead in every school and we are dedicated to providing this for our children. The training involved cutting edge research studies from neuroscience, medicine and psychology.   At Suckley, we are excited to be part of this approach to offer our children the very best outcomes. 


