
Suckley School

Happy, Aspirational and Ready for Life


Art and DT - evaluating three different types stitches and then selecting the most appropriate for sewing the replica prehistoric shoe

Practicing our touch typing

Sponsored Bounce! Bouncing our socks off! Keep those donations rolling in!

British Science Week - celebrated across the whole school with workshops by Hands-on-Science, tailored to link into current topics. Woodpeckers learnt about Sustainability with Reduce, Reuse, Recycle -ask them what they learnt!

Science - using secondary sources to research the process of fossilisation

Suckley Hills Field Trip - combining science and geography in our local area. The children loved investigating the hillside for limestone which holds a valuable key to the past of the area - shell fossils. We learnt that 440 millions years ago, during the Silurian time period, the Suckley area was submerged under a sea, called the silurian sea! when Britain was located aboue where present-day Australia sits!

Literacy supporting Science - cross curricula learning - our new book The Pebble in my pocket. The children acted out the first scence in the book to help deepend their understanding of the story start...

New Super Science Topic - ROCKS!!! Woodpeckers are working scientifically to compare, group and describe the properties and appearance of rocks

An inspiring singing workshop provided by the music directors of Worcester Cathedral this morning. As always, our Suckley kids wowed with their talent


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A very special visit. The West Midlands Air Ambulance crew came to thank us for the money we raised on our Wear it Red Day, we asked lots about their important job and even got to be real helicopter pilots!

Stone Age Estate Agents- how persuasive can we be?

As historians, designing our own Neolithic farms. Ask the children what key things they needed to include!

Musicians- composing our ensemble pieces using a range of percussion instruments

Working as scientists - investigating how water is transported in plants

Creating our scientific glossaries to help us understand the terms we are using in our plants topic

Working as artists and designers to dye fabric using natural materials - beetroot, onion skins and tumeric. We will be using this dyed fabric to create our replica stone age shoes after half term.

Working as scientists - designing investigations to test the requirements a plant needs for life and growth

Using dictionaries to support our knowledge in English

As archaeologists- we used artefacts to find out about how people lived during the Stone Age

Practical maths- using manipulatives to support division

New Science topic - PLANTS - Woodpeckers harness their research skills to use secondary sources of information to learn about what the parts of a plant do.

Spring 2024 Topic Web

Excitedly finding The Stone Age on our whole school history timeline- we can’t wait to be archaeologists, palaeontologists and geneticists to find out all about the earliest humans

Back with a bang! Brilliant art inspired by the book ‘In our hands’
